General Headquarter also known as GHQ is located in Rawalpindi. The institution is falls under the jurisdiction of Pakistan Army. Brilliance in every aspect is the motive of Pak army in GHQ. Candidates who wish to join Pak army are invited to submit job applications in GHQ. People now can join Pak army as civilian. The advertisement is published in Daily Jang on Oct-01-2023.
Position of various categories are available in GHQ Rawalpindi. The positions lying vacant in GHQ are Assistant, Statistical Assistant, Steno typist, UDC, LDC, Draughtsman, Supervisor, Estimator, Cook, Translator, Calligraphist, Library Assistant, Photographer, Technician, Security Supervisor. Candidates from all over the country are invited to submit application if qualified as Matric, Intermediate or Bachelor. All applicants are advised to submit online applications before the end date Oct-16-2023.
Posted On | 01-10-2023 |
Sector | Government |
Organization | General Head Quarter GHQ |
Location | Rawalpindi |
Cities | All Pakistan |
Job Type | Full Time |
Vacancies | Multiple |
Salary (est.) | 25000-60000 PKR |
Designations | Assistant, Statistical Assistant, Steno typist, UDC, LDC, Draughtsman, Supervisor, Estimator, Cook, Translator, Calligraphist, Library Assistant, Photographer, Technician, Security Supervisor |
Source Link | Newspaper |
Address | Garrison Complex |
More Jobs | Lahore |
Last Date | 16-10-2023 |
Eligibility Criteria
Gender | Male and female |
Age | 18-40 Years |
Education | Matric, Intermediate, Bachelor |
Experience | 3-10 Years |

AoA sir
Mojy Army ka both shonk hai mein 3 Baar select Howa Hoon FF center abbottabad par Mera later nhi aya Abe tak plzz sir mojy army ke job dein plz