DescriptionPosted On 02-06-2023 Sector Government Location Dera Ghazi Khan Cities All Pakistan Job Type Contract Vacancies 02 Education MS,M.Phill,PhD Age 40-50 Years Address 12-Km Sakhi Sarwar Road, Dera Ghazi Khan Last Date 20-06-2023
How to Apply
i. The candidates have to submit 02 sets of applications bearing attested copies of degree certificates, one photograph for each set and an original Bank Challan/Deposit slip paid in Mir Chakar Khan Rind University of Technology, Dera Ghazi Khan Account No.0106792785101 (Habib Bank Limited, Main Branch, Dera Ghazi Khan) of amounting to Rs.3000/- for above mentioned posts.
ii. Prescribed application form can be download from Mir Chakar Khan Rind University of Technology, Dera Ghazi Khan website ( (ii) Twelve years post qualification teaching or administrative or Professional experience in a public or private institute or University. recognized by the Higher Education Commission or public sector organization.
iii. Registrar and Treasurer shall be entitled to such perks and privileges as entitled to Government Servants in the corresponding scale of pay.
iv. Age relaxation, for appointment by initial recruitment, shall be admissible as per policy of the Government.
v. No TA/DA will be given to the candidates called for test / interview.
vi. Applications will be received only through Registered Mail/Courier. By hand applications will not be accepted.
vii. Persons already employed in any Government or other organizations should submit their applications through proper channel. Advance copies may, however, be sent to save time. The requisite No Objection Certificate from present employer must reach in the Office of the Registrar before or on last date for receipt of applications or on the date of interview, failing which such candidate will not allowed to appear for interview.
viii. All Government Employees who intend to apply for any post through proper channel shall clarify through the Heads of their attached Departments that there is no pending enquiry/outstanding dues against them. Moreover, there is no adverse remarks in any of their Annual Confidential Reports. These conditions are necessary for grant of Departmental Permission Certificate/No Objection Certificate (N.O.C). The A.C.Rs grading for the last five years may also be recorded in the following letter.
ix. Applicants are directed to clearly mention the name of the post applying for on the top right corner of the envelop, applicants will have to use different envelopes and have to pay separate application processing fee in case of applying for more than 01 posts.
x. The applicants have already applied for these posts in response of IPL No.13063 need not apply again. However, they can submit updated CV in Registrar Office before closing date.
xi. The University reserves the rights. Not to fill/withdraw any vacancy without assigning any reason thereof. To short list the candidates on the basis of academic qualifications/tests as may be prescribed by the University.
Last date for submission of applications: T
he applications complete in all respects must reach in office of the Registrar latest by 20th June, 2023 Incomplete/unsigned applications or application not on prescribed format or applications received after the due date will not be entertained even if received though posted before the last date.